Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beer, Football, and Social Media...?

What do these three have in common? Well if you were watching the Super Bowl this year, you saw aspects of them all. Obviously you saw football, unless you are part of the group who just watch the big game for the commercials. And in that case, you saw lots of beer ads as well! But what about social media?

Almost every commercial played mentioned a Facebook page or website, however as the Online Marketing Blog mentions, social media was very much underutilized. Social media has quickly become a huge market to to capture costumers, and companies are scrambling to use to their advantage. Brands can use social media to create hype about their commercials before they air them, as well as involve their clientele in the process. Only a few managed to do this.

With a cost of $3 million per 30 second spot, companies need to make use of all the tools they can. Just putting web addresses at the end of commercials doesn't work if you want consumers to take the next step and explore what you have to offer.

What were your favorite commercials from the game? There were plenty of good ones this year, but personally I have to go with one of the classics. The infamous "Lamb Streaker". Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Nice review of the super bowl ads and that social media was underutilized. We need to pick up on this example in class.
