Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Future is Mobile


The future of marketing can be summed up in those two words. According a post yesterday by Search Engine Watch Blog, Google has announced that it's 2011 strategic initiatives are "all about mobile."In a keynote speech on the 27th at the Interactive Advertising Bureau's annual leadership meeting, Google's CEO, Dr. Eric Schmidt, said mobile is taking off faster than predicted and that, "This is the future and everyone will adapt." To prove his point Schmidt offered some statistics displaying how rapid mobile is growing. These were the ones that stuck out to me most...

  • There are more than 200 million YouTube mobile playbacks per day.
  • 78 percent of smartphone users shop on their device.
  • Schmidt predicted that digital display advertising could become a $200 billion a year business

So how does this relate to sports advertising?


Look back at the statistics I just listed above, courtesy of Dr. Schmidt. MORE THAN 200 million YouTube mobile playbacks per day, PLUS, 78% of smartphone users shop on their device. These numbers indicate that people are watching lots of YouTube videos on their mobile devices AND most of these people are also using their smartphones to shop. THEREFORE, companies like Nike, adidas, etc. can theoretically made a fortune from successful VIRAL MARKETING campaigns.

Nike had an incredibly successful viral marketing campaign in 2008 when they launched this viral video of Kobe Bryant jumping over a speeding Aston Martin to promote their launch of his new signature shoe, Hyperdunks. The shoe went on to become one of the hottest selling and popular basketball shoes of all time.

If athletic apparel companies utilize this viral marketing venue more, that means more mobile hits of their videos on YouTube, which translates to a possibility of millions of mobile sales from these same viewers.

Viral marketing is just one example. If you think about it, mobile marketing/advertising is absolutely the way to go. As smartphones are becoming ordinary, more emphasis is put on mobile web browsing. And what better way to reach consumers?! My Droid is ALWAYS by my side. As more people acquire smartphones as their mobile phones, that means there is a rapidly expanding population of people that can be accessed wherever, and whenever. Thus effective mobile marketing can lead to ENORMOUS profits for any company. But I see the opportunity for astronomical profits from the athletic apparel industries due to their reliance on web browsing, viral advertising, and their ability to constantly inform people of new sales or products, directly to their mobile devices. Being able to reach millions of people all the time, anywhere, is why mobile is absolutely the future of marketing and advertising. Mobile's future looks bright...and lucrative.


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting story. We have to pick up on this example when we talk about mobile marketing.
